Dealership / Quotation form

Interested in becoming our supplier or direct agent? Let us know more about you.

    1. Contact Person*

    2. Business Information*
    (If no business currently exists please enter proposed address)

    3. What equipment are you interested to supply?*

    4. Which Industries do you serve?*

    5. Why are you interested in Meridian products?*

    6. Additional Comment/Remarks

    If you are interested in a product that our Partners have, you can enquire more from our form below

      What you should know

      Well there's a few conditions that apply:

      • You agree NOT to pay us for this service.

      • You're comfortable with supplying us with relevant information in this form as well as other relevant information surrounding the request, for example; what you want, how many, delivery deadlines, restrictions on the location of the supplier, price targets etc.

      • You agree that all information provided in this inquiry form represents yourself or an entity that you can speak for, that the information is accurate to the best of your knowledge and that if we determine that you have given false information we may choose not to proceed with this request.

      • You accept that, the operators of this site, cannot guarantee the suitability of any materials, equipment or services you may purchase from a supplier we've contacted on your behalf. You must check that out with the supplier.

      • We respect your privacy and only pass on the details contained in your request to appropriate suppliers in accordance to your inquiry. As we will share your information with related suppliers, We need your permission to do this by you clicking the submit button.

      • We respect your privacy and promise you will only receive related information in accordance with testing and measuring instruments, equipment or services news and updates. You can unsubscribe at any time by forwarding an email to

      • We can't guarantee that the supplier will respond and if they don't, you agree you won't get angry with us. However, if you don't receive a response within 10 working days, please send us a follow up message and we'll try and help further.

      • If we cannot source a quotation for you for any reason, we will try and source alternative quotations